Stop messages on mac
Stop messages on mac

stop messages on mac

This is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

stop messages on mac

As far as support to obtain answers about my issue, forget it. Anyhow, I’m finidng this very annoying that the desktop app is no longer working for myself. With the tech we have today why does T9 even still exist? LOL. Otherwise I’m stuck on my T9 texting phone and that’s absurd. I will claim that I've enjoyed using this app over the years because of convenience. Not even a trace of it running by instpecting my activity monitor. POOF! its gone! As if I never even opened it. When the app begins to open and a screen shows up, it closes itself just as fast. the sevice techs say to do) and to no avail. I’ve tride several differnt angles of attack (i.e.


I recently purchased a brand new Mac with all the bells and whistles, because I can, and now the Messages+ app crashes the instant I open it.

stop messages on mac


Again, I highly recommend that you do not install this it is worse than beta software.ģ stars downgradded to 1 star! I have successfully been using the Verizon Messages+ app for about 3 years now without major issues, mostly on my G5 PowerMac. A greatly missed opportunity to have me hooked in to the Verizon message+ system, but at the same time, not too surprising that Verizon end-user execution is so poor. I would recommend you stay away from this app, it is far too buggy and if you are not careful you might lose messages on your device as you try to troubleshoot and look for workarounds. It amazes me that a company of Verizon’s resources, technological depth cannot write and subsequently support a messaging app on the desktop to consumers. This is certainly not the iMessage app equivalent, far from it. The app deteriorated in performance and eventually it was unusable. It was like start the app from scratch every single time it was initiated. After that reinstall, the app could not keep any of its settings, each app start sent me back to the setup where it would ask that I put in my mobile number - previous settings such as hide upon login would also not be retained. When I deleted this pic everything worked fine but I had to reinstall the app. It kept crashing constantly and I eventually located the problem to a picture in a specific message. Seemed to work fine for the first 3-4 days but then something happend and the app came to halt. I was very excited, but had a little apprehension given that this is Verizon software, about this messaging app when I first installed it.

Stop messages on mac